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Memorial Garden 
Established 1983

In a quiet corner of the church yard, the people of Church of the Epiphany have created a garden.

This oasis in a world of hurry is to be used for the interment of ashes of our loved ones, and as a place of reflection and peace. It may be used, also, for occasional services.

Who may be buried here? Parishioners, members of their families, former parishioners, and friends of the parish family who request burial in the garden, will be accepted by the Memorial Garden Committee. No one shall be denied burial based on race, creed, or color.

A burial fee of $250 has been established, which includes perpetual care of the garden, and engraving of the name, date of birth, and date of death on a Memorial Plaque in the church.

Parishioners are encouraged to spend a few moments in the garden now and then,         remembering those who have gone before us.

A Certificate of Ownership of a plot in the Memorial Garden is provided at the time of pre-payment of the burial fee, and guarantees the holder’s place in the Memorial Garden. The certificate may be transferred to other members of one’s family or redeemed at face value upon six month’s written notice to the Memorial Garden Committee. 

Ashes must be contained in a heavy, cardboard container, or other such biodegradable material. A record of burial will be kept as part of the permanent parish records.

Financial contributions in addition to the burial fee will be gratefully accepted at any time. Monies designated for the purchase of trees, shrubs, and other plant material will be accepted and used as the need arises. Contributions will also be used for the general upkeep of the garden.

The Church of the Epiphany pledges to maintain the Memorial Garden and to care for the Memorial Plaque for as long as the parish exists.

© 2020 Epiphany Trumansburg

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